About Relations


We are always forced to accept the society-told definitions of the relations. This leads to blind conformity to confused descriptions and covered perceptions related to emotions. Most affiliations in our social system are accepted unquestioned; without seeking the origin and aims of these relations. But is it really a taboo to challenge the basis of a relation? Should the relations always be covered under fancy blankets of flowery words like trust, sacrifice, compromise, selflessness and altruism? Can someone actually be selfless? Or is there a more realistic explanation to why relations are formed and why they are maintained?

If we go deep down into the nature of relations, we find out that relations are nothing but a tool to entertain our needs. Necessity is the biggest variable in the human life- All the relations which we make are either our physical, emotional, spiritual or social needs.

Let’s ponder for a moment as to why people are so afraid of being called selfish, money-based and self-centered? A little monetary help for some obvious physical gains is considered to be obnoxious. But the same help done for making some grieved heart heal, is considered to be very kind, pious and self-sacrificing deed. In the first case, the help was offered for Physical Needs; while in the second case, it was done to employ the human instinct to deliberately help others- either for making the target person satisfied, or making the God happy and earning his blessings, which in other words, is the feeding of man’s Emotional and Spiritual Needs. In both cases, man has attempted to fulfill his necessities through the device of relations. In both cases, man was selfish in his deeds; and he always is. Thus selfishness should not be taken as a negative trait, rather a basic human characteristic on which relations are formed.

Shed a light over the most relied relation. Marriage is based on physical and emotional needs. Of course every girl wants a Prince Charming to take her to fairyland, but at the end of the day, the least they want from their spouse is that he earns enough to feed the family, how disfigured he may be. Then why is it horrible to exclaim that “money makes the mare go”? There are requirements, needs and desires which pave the way for this relation, though, sometimes we have to make a choice, compromise and prioritize our requirements. Similarly, the family relations can also be explained on the basis of different emotional and physical needs of humans.

The definition of teenage love, or so-called eternal love on first sight can also be explained easily on the yardsticks of necessity. This refers to one’s emotional need of someone to share everything with, someone who could give time to him, someone who could listen to his foolish talks, someone to admire, someone to trust, someone to feel protected with. Similarly, other forms of love can be referred to the physical needs of man i.e. romance and intercourse.

In a similar fashion, social relations are made on the basis of man’s necessity for tools of survival in a certain society. This may include financial assistance, political shelter, cultural, national & ethnic affiliation, passing sound time together and the list goes on. But the point to brood over is that all these factors signify the basic human requisites.

The origins of relations are supposedly not discussed or challenged to maintain their sanctity, beauty and charisma, but it is the right of each one of our enlightened minds to inquire about the actual foundations of human associations.